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Writer's pictureKimberly LaBounty

7 Days of Self Love (part 1)

So many of us put ourselves last when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. We don’t eat the fruit in the frig because it’s for our kids’ lunches. We skip our exercise class so our spouse can go, even when attendance is lopsided. And sleep – well, we say we’re going to bed at 10 (after work email is attended to), then clean up the kitchen, flip the laundry, put things away, and wash up, only to have our head hit the pillow at 11:30pm. So, I thought I could use the excuse of Valentine’s week to help you practice a little self love. Each morning, I’m posting a reminder on my Instagram page in case that is helpful. Take what you like, leave the rest behind. My goal is that you will have done at least one thing for YOU this Valentine’s week.

Day 1: Schedule Time for Movement

When might you be able to get in a little movement this week, starting today? It could be a 20min morning walk, or maybe that class you said you wanted to try. Even when it's cold and gray (like here in Chicago), your body needs to get out and do things! I was speaking to the sales and catering staff of the Naperville Marriott about wellness, and one of them mentioned that each day at 2pm, the group gets up to stretch - such a great idea!

Day 2: INDULGE in Your Favorite Food or Beverage (just one day won’t hurt)

If I was stuck on an island and had to choose a few food and beverage items to keep me happy, I would select the following:

· A Golden Chai with Almond Milk from BrewPoint

· Champagne

· Popcorn

· Mangos

· Almonds

Don’t laugh. I’ve already rationalized the benefits of all of them. I’m sure you would do the same! Go ahead and have something you love – you deserve the treat!

Day 3: Be a Little More Natural

I’ve always loved natural products – as in things I can make at home. I remember making face masks with egg whites and clearing masks with oatmeal when I was in high school! So I jumped at the chance to make my own ayurvedic face wash. My face feels so clean and balanced when I’m done. To get the recipe, head to my Career Zenbox page.

I’ve also found an amazing wash for my hair. I had been trying different hair products, With my hair longer, I don’t want to wash it every day. But I felt I needed more products on the non-wash days to make my scalp feel normal. My hair got drier. I tried different products; then there was buildup. My solution? Amalaki! I mix nearly equal parts of the powder and water to a runny paste. I apply it to my scalp and hair, massage, and then rinse. After a few months of pretty consistent use, I barely need conditioner on the ends any more. What is amalaki? It’s the powder of a fruit. So it’s natural, and nourishing. No chemicals going into the scalp and blood stream!

Stay Tuned for Days 4-7! I'll post again tomorrow.

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